A Bible and heresy
The Ariostea library keeps a treasure which caused discussions, all the more up-to-date when acquired.
Thanks to the information provided by a noted book collector, Renzo Bonfiglioli, in 1959 the Municipality of Ferrara acquired a treasure of history and culture: the Biblia Latina annotated by Girolamo Savonarola, when a novice in Ferrara, between 1479 and 1482.
"Nebbia" by Andrea Veronese
Love defeated by political fervour in Ferrara through the 1950 s.
The novel Nebbia [Fog] by Andrea Veronese held me enthralled from its very first pages, encouraging me to have it published as part of the Corbo literature series. The book makes an impact right from the very first scenes, where the focus gradually narrows down onto the events that unfolded in Ferrara between 22 October and 8 December 1954, when
Ferrara dance venues, from debutante balls to Latin-American nights.
In his book A question of stature. The story of a boy who grew too much, Gaetano Tumiati brings us back to a Ferrara of the thirties and forties, when young people met in exclusive places to dance the tango, waltz, mazurka, and the rumba.
Update on the Costabili collection
The research on collecting never stops.
This article will provide an update on the Costabili collection in view of new information that has emerged over the last 10 years on works that have often only been recently identified as forming part of the Costabili collection.
I was born in the F.lli Navarra Agricultural College
Or: how I found my forgotten birthplace, during a professional visit
I was born in Malborghetto di Boara (Municipality of Ferrara) on 26 December 1926, in the F.lli Navarra agricultural college. My father had taken over management of the college a few months previously, having transferred from the Fabriano agricultural college.
Written by Alfredo Santini
This issue covers a wide range of topics that are as intriguing as they are diverse. In addition to the fabled splendour of the Ferrara Renaissance period, the articles also deal with topics that are less well known, but equally interesting. Starting with the books: from the historical purchase of the famous Savonarola bible, now a prized possession of the Ariostea Library, to a review…
The Ariostea library keeps a treasure which caused discussions, all the more up-to-date when acquired. Thanks to the information provided by a noted book collector, Renzo Bonfiglioli, in 1959 the Municipality of Ferrara acquired a treasure of history and culture: the Biblia Latina annotated by Girolamo Savonarola, when a novice in Ferrara, between 1479 and 1482.
"Nebbia" by Andrea Veronese
Written by Roberto Pazzi
Love defeated by political fervour in Ferrara through the 1950 s. The novel Nebbia [Fog] by Andrea Veronese held me enthralled from its very first pages, encouraging me to have it published as part of the Corbo literature series. The book makes an impact right from the very first scenes, where the focus gradually narrows down onto the events that unfolded in Ferrara between 22…
Written by Patrizia Segna
Ferrara dance venues, from debutante balls to Latin-American nights. In his book A question of stature. The story of a boy who grew too much, Gaetano Tumiati brings us back to a Ferrara of the thirties and forties, when young people met in exclusive places to dance the tango, waltz, mazurka, and the rumba.
Update on the Costabili collection
Written by Andrea Ugolini
The research on collecting never stops. This article will provide an update on the Costabili collection in view of new information that has emerged over the last 10 years on works that have often only been recently identified as forming part of the Costabili collection.
Or: how I found my forgotten birthplace, during a professional visit I was born in Malborghetto di Boara (Municipality of Ferrara) on 26 December 1926, in the F.lli Navarra agricultural college. My father had taken over management of the college a few months previously, having transferred from the Fabriano agricultural college.
Scientists and priests
Written by Stefano Franchini
An astronomical, geographical and scientific journey through the Papal States I came across two eighteenth century Jesuit priests who stayed briefly in Comacchio and Ferrara areas by chance. It happened a few months ago when Professor Luigi Pepe of the University of Ferrara suggested that I translate the scientific odyssey of these two researchers, who happened to be Jesuit priests, from French and Latin. This…
The swindlers' dinner
Written by Romano Guzzinati
From Il mulino del Po [The mill on the Po] by Riccardo Bacchelli Bologna native, Riccardo Bacchelli, has painted an unforgettable picture of Ferrara and its environment with his novel Il Mulino del Po, from Napoleonic incursions into Russia up to the Great War. In the three volumes comprising the work, he describes the heroic deeds of the poor locals to act as a background…
New proposals for "Kairos and Metanoia" by Girolamo da Carpi. The eighteenth century "Dresden sale" resulted in many important Ferrara artworks ending up in Dresden. One of these was a 1541 painting made by Girolamo da Carpi for the court of the house of Este and now hanging in the Gemäldegalerie in Dresden. Against a broad background shown under a menacing sky, we can see…
An indefatigable cameraman
Written by Paolo Micalizzi
A tribute to Antonio Sturla, a prominent figure in the history of Ferrara cinema. Antonio Sturla was a key figure in the history of Ferrara cinema in his role as one of the most influential cameraman in the pioneering days of cinema. By the age of sixteen, he had already made his way to Rome to work for the famous Cines production company as second…
Talking about the Ferrara dialect
Written by Alberto Ridolfi
A short essay on grammar and a dictionary that should be read, not just consulted. The Ferrara dialect cultural circle "Tréb dal Tridèl" has been instrumental in promoting the study of our dialect over the past few years. While dialect was used by both nobility and commoners in other cities, for example Venetian was the official language of the Republic of Venice and speaking in…
One of the most important meteorites in the world fell in the Ferrara area one hundred years ago. Ugo Martini, municipal secretary of Vigarano Mainarda, referred to the event as follows in March 1910: "On the night of 22 January 1910, at 21:30, the Bovini family, who live in the Saracca farm house, owned by Mr. Michele Cariani in Vigarano Pieve, a hamlet in the…
A payment order confirms the attribution to the sculptor from Reggio nell'Emilia. The room housing the renowned Dossi portraits of Ercole I and Alfonso I of Este in the house of Este art gallery also contains a male bust in Carrara marble, just over one metre high. It is recognised by critics as the only sculpture portraying Duke Ercole II of Este, and has been…
De divina proportione
Written by Paolo Cenci
Of an unusual geometric structure in a XIII century fresco re-discovered in Ferrara A fifteenth century manuscript was exhibited at the Medici Riccardi building on 30 January 2007. It had been discovered there in 2005 by the English historian James Banker, and contained a treatise on Archimedes related to spirals and included written text and geometric designs. The inestimable value of the work lies in…
A story of Tic Douloureux
Written by Enrico Granieri
Autopathography of a Ferrara man with trigeminal neuralgia from 1803 to 1824 Keeping a diary on the symptoms of your illness (autopathography) was common practice in the first half of the XIX century, especially by the more cultured or wealthier classes. Perhaps the very act of keeping the diary was a type of catharsis or liberation in itself. This is what we gather from this…
Un bilancio personale
Written by Sergio Lenzi
Dopo 17 anni, dei quali dieci da presidente, con queste parole Sergio Lenzi lascia la Fondazione per assumere la presidenza della Cassa Il 20 maggio 2010 si è tenuto il discorso di commiato di Sergio Lenzi durante la riunione dell'Organo di Indirizzo della Fondazione Carife. Ne riportiamo di seguito il testo. "Lascio la Fondazione dopo 17 anni di presenza in questa inimitabile istituzione, sono stato…
Riflessioni e bilanci tra passato e futuro Come ogni anno il momento della stesura del bilancio e la sua approvazione sono occasioni importanti per riflettere sull'operato della nostra Fondazione traendo anche indicazioni per il futuro. In effetti i numeri del 2009 si pongono probabilmente come spartiacque tra un precedente periodo con disponibilità economiche sempre crescenti ed un futuro che sconta l'onda lunga delle conseguenze di…
Nuove nomine in Fondazione
Written by Redazione
Completamente rinnovato il vertice della Fondazione: chi sono i nuovi amministratori? Giovedì 20 maggio 2010 si è riunito L'Organo di Indirizzo della Fondazione Carife per designare i nuovi vertici dell'Ente. Ad esito delle votazioni è stato eletto Piero Puglioli quale presidente e come vice presidente Pier Carlo Scaramagli. In questa occasione, Piero Puglioli ha ritenuto di tenere un breve discorso, che riportiamo di seguito. "Voglio…
Un nuovo corso
Written by Alfredo Santini
Nuove strategie all'insegna del consolidamento territoriale e del sostegno all'economia locale Lo scorso 27 aprile, a Ferrara Fiere e Congressi, in una sala gremita con oltre quattrocento persone, si è svolta l'Assemblea dei Soci della Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara, che ha visto l'approvazione del Bilancio 2009 e il rinnovo del Consiglio di Amministrazione, del Collegio Sindacale, della presidenza e della vice presidenza della Banca.…
Nuove nomine alla Cassa di Risparmio
Written by Redazione
Un cambiamento all'insegna della continuità: il profilo dei nuovi vertici della Cassa Sergio Lenzi è il neo presidente della Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara. Il passaggio di consegne è avvenuto al termine dell'Assemblea dei Soci, nel corso della prima seduta del Consiglio di Amministrazione appena eletto. Laureato in Economia e Commercio presso l'Università di Bologna, conduce un'azienda agricola di famiglia sita in Sant'Agostino (Ferrara) con…
Redazione e crediti
Written by Redazione
FERRARA VOCI DI UNA CITTÀ Rivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualità Anno 17, numero 32 - Giugno 2010 Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994 con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572 Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara COMITATO EDITORIALE Francesca Bargellesi, Giorgio Franceschini, Roberto Pazzi, Paolo Ravenna, Leopoldo Santini, Gaetano…