The roaring twenties
Paris, capital of the arts
During the 1920's Paris became both the stage and the symbol of the desire for renewal, exemplifying the feeling of liberation that was widespread at the end of World War I. Already an international capital of art and culture, the City of Light was a fashionable and cosmopolitan city. A mythical place for artists who flocked there from all over the world, attracted by its liberal customs, the intellectual ferment, theatres, cafes and art galleries, to give free expression to their creativity,
National Museum of Italian Jewry and the Holocaust
Since 2009, the Ministry for Heritage and Cultural Activities, the Superintendence for Architectural Heritage, the City of Ferrara and MEIS Foundation have been working towards the realization of the meis, Museo Nazionale dell'Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah (the National Museum of Italian Jewry and the Holocaust).
Established by Act of Parliament No. 296 in 2006, in order to bear witness to the constant and widespread presence of the Jewish community on Italian territory,
Adventure in the “marshes”
Yesterday and today in the Po Delta Park
At the beginning we were clearly thrilled and amused, but this gradually changed to silence and then, towards the end of the adventure, we began to be afraid. We were classmates, just turned eight years old, and on that day we were on a trip to Mesola with my mother. A few days after the end of the school year in early June, she said: «I have a car to take me to paint in the Delta. Come along and bring a friend, if you want.
A reading and comment
Truth and Memory in the last work of Aron Leoni
Aron Leoni (1932-2010), son of Leone Leoni, chief rabbi of Ferrara and Venice, and Gemma Ravenna Leoni, inherited his passion for Jewish culture from his parents. He had a degree in agronomy and became director of the "Vita Mayer Corporation", also representing the Italian paper industry at the European Parliament in Brussels. On his retirement he totally dedicated himself to the study of the history and culture of the Sephardic diaspora,
Franco patruno: writing art, living art
The Foundation publishes an anthology of his writings for «L'Osservatore Romano»
Four years after the death of the author, Equivalenze, o dello scrivere l'arte. Scritti per «L'Osservatore Romano» (Equivalences, or writing on art. Articles for «L'Osservatore Romano») a collection of work by Father Franco Patruno has been published.
Edited by Massimo Marchetti, the anthology – which covers ten years of his contributions to «L'Osservatore»