Written by Alfredo Santini
In a symbolic sense, this number brings the millennium to a close. On this occasion, our idea at the Fondazione Cassa di Rispannio di Ferrara was to mark one of the foremost aspects of our activities: that of maintaining firm roots in the area. By this I mean not only working for the development of Ferrara, but also emphasizing the importance of those local people…
The celebrated work of the Ferrarese painter reveals a profound significance. One of the principal difficulties one encounters in a review of Cosmé Tura's artistic development arises from the virtual impossibility of finding reliable historical documentation regarding the surviving works. In point of fact the archives provide plenty of information and dates relative to the high standards of craftsmanship that the artist was never to…
Nel XVIII secolo, Cesare Barotti raccolse e tramandò ai posteri alcuni affascinanti frammenti della storia della città. Esiste un topos storico critico, il quale nasce nella seconda metà dell'Ottocento e viene poi divulgato e asseverativamente propagato anche nel nostro secolo, che vuole individuare, nella lunga e complessa storia di Ferrara, una età dell'oro la quale viene fatta coincidere con la signoria estense, soprattutto con le…
The Other Day in Polesella
Written by Guido Fink
Ferrara, June 1942: Luchino Visconti shoots Obsession, a seminal work of Neorealism. These days we are used to it, several films have been shot in Ferrara, while Italy has been covered inch by inch by the cinema - and not just the Italian cinema either - starting from the days when the Americans of Paisà discovered it for us, as they worked their way up…
Ferrara, the People's Workshop
Written by Raffaele Fresu
Today, an area's only index of growth is the one that springs from the development of community as a whole. "In no other part of the world, perhaps, will you find so many exciting destinations as can be found at a crossroads outside Ferrara: you can choose from Bologna, Modena, Mantua. Verona. Padua, and Venice.» So says Cecil Gould in Da Borso a Cesare d'Este.…
A Martyr of the Risorgimento
Written by Guido Vancini
Ugo Bassi was a friend of Garibaldi and fought at his side, even if only with faith and words. "As I was born, so shall I live and die a man of Cento, yours Ugo Bassi»: the frame containing the sheet bearing these words has pride of place in the Mayor of Cento's office. Next to this sheet, written by Bassi himself, lies the silver…
In memory of Vittorio Veneziani, great choir conductor and one of the finest musicians Ferrara ever produced. Over forty years on it is beyond doubt our duty to contribute to the memory of the greatest Italian choir director of the period between the wars, Vittorio Veneziani, one of the finest musicians Ferrara ever produced, who died in Ferrara on 14 January 1958. Vittorio Veneziani was…
A recently published monograph deals with the historical vicissitudes of the patronal church of Savonuzzo. South of Ferrara, near Saletta di Copparo, stands the 14th century church of Santa Maria di Savonuzzo, known as San Venanzio. A recent monograph - Da Santa Maria di Savonuzzo a S. Venanzio - Una chiesa trecentesca nel territorio ferrarese - sponsored by Ferrariae Decus and by the town council…
Vitale da Bologna and other painters of the Trecento in the recently restored church. The donation made in 1983 by Alberto Minerbi has consigned to the community a small yet fascinating monument, the church of Santa Maria di Savonuzzo and its treasures, responsibility for the conservation and enjoyment of which has been placed in the hands of the Ferrariae Decus and the town council of…
A New History
Written by Alessandra Chiappini
A new History of Ferrara is about to be published in six volumes, which will shed light on the less well known people and events from the city's past. It could be the History of Ferrara for the third millennium and it will be launched in Jubilee Year. For the city it will constitute a chance to look back at the past from the future:…
The Painter of Light
Written by Gianni Venturi
An exhibition at Palazzo Reale, in Milan, has finally done justice to an extraordinary painter from Ferrara: Gaetano Previati. Born into a respectable lower middle class family in Ferrara in 1852, Gaetano Previati did not have an easy life. As his vocation for painting grew, he was encouraged by Pagliarini, no mean painter in his own right. After a spell studying in Florence he moved…
Small, but Precious
Written by Jadranka Bentini
The four panel paintings in the Sacrati Strozzi collection, now part of the Fondazione collection, on exhibition at the Pinacoteca Nazionale, have beeen definitively attributed to El Greco. Resplendent with a new light, the four panels formerly in the Sacrati Strozzi collection and purchased by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara in 1994 with an uncertain attribution to El Greco, have now reappeared. 1994…
After fifty years of neglect, one of Ferrara's most prestigious monuments has been restored. Palazzo Bonacossi was occupied by families left homeless after the air raids of 28 January 1944. The rooms and halls were divided up with a view to obtaining the greatest possible number of apartments: chimney flues were cut into the walls: the floors were partially lifted to accommodate waste pipes for…
La Fondazione finanzia un progetto per la realizzazione di una banca di epatociti criopreservati. Il trapianto di fegato è ormai universalmente riconosciuto come terapia "standard" per pazienti affetti da malattie epatiche in stadio avanzato. Nonostante i buoni risultati che si possono ottenere con il trapianto, la mortalità dei pazienti affetti da malattie epatiche è ancora estremamente elevata. Questa situazione può essere ricondotta a due fattori…
La comunicazione per il risparmio
Written by Stefano Zecchi
Una nuova strategia di comunicazione per mantenere intatto il legame con un territorio in evoluzione. La Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara ha recentemente varato un piano strategico, volto a garantire il proprio sviluppo dal punto di vista imprenditoriale e competitivo. L'impegno assunto per l'attuazione di questi indirizzi e obiettivi garantirà migliori servizi, più efficienza e la possibilità di svolgere un ruolo economico sempre più significativo…
La lettura
Written by Jean-Baptiste Marie Guidi
Da quando il papa Clemente VIII se ne è impadronito, nel 1598, questa città in cui la presenza del sovrano animava piaceri e ingegno, è diventata per i papi soltanto una piazza di guerra che si è via via spopolata, e che la vicinanza con le paludi circostanti e le inondazioni del Po rendono molto malsana. Malgrado la sua posizione, e la diminuzione dei suoi abitanti, Ferrara…
Redazione e crediti fotografici
Written by Redazione
Ferrara. Voci di una cittàRivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualitàAnno 6, numero 11 - Dicembre 1999Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994 con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572Spedizione in abbonamento postale c. 20/c, art. 2, l. 662/96Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di FerraraComitato EditorialeFrancesca Bargellesi, Luciano Chiappini, Vittorio Emiliani, Giorgio Franceschini, Roberto…