
Written by  Alfredo Santini
The value of remembrance, the survival, in the memories of those who remain, of those who have left us, is a key element in any community.

With the demise of so many illustrious personalities who have added lustre to Ferrara's name, we thought it an act of due love and respect to commemorate them. Bassani, Rossi, Zevi, Carletti. and Collevati are celebrated here for their generous, life-enhancing commitment; in the pages written in their memory one senses not only the sorrowful remembrance of the dead, but the dynamic heritage of those whose rectitude is reflected in their lives, in the city and in its history. We can therefore say that this tribute to these sons of Ferrara reflects the complex vitality, the poetic grandeur, and the moral rectitude of those who wanted to make Ferrara the hub of a human, artistic and social adventure.

But we ought not to forget some other interesting lines of investigation aimed at revealing the nature of the city: the rediscovery of a historic figure of outstanding moral and civil stature such as Giovanni Compagnoni; the commemoration of Giovan Battista Aleotti, which is a prelude to the forthcoming International Conference to be coordinated by the Istituto di Studi Rinascimentali of Ferrara; the places of historic memory such as Ariosto's house or Parco Massari. This issue also contains articles on the Cassa di Risparmio's splendid collection of pictures by Zola, on the architect Biagio Rossetti and the extensions ordered by Duke Ercole, and on 20th century ferrarese art collections. This is a composite and various issue that turns on the commemoration of those who served the city well.

The next issue will be devoted to an artist and a work of great importance to the arts in Ferrara: Sebastiano Filippo known as II Bastianino. Taking its cue from the restoration of the apse of the Cathedral and of the fresco depicting the Last Judgement, the Fondazione - sponsor of the operation - has decided to devote a series of encounters and talks on the work, on the places, and on the culture in which this great 16th century master worked, to be conducted by the greatest authorities on the subject. In December, on the conclusion of the work and the unveiling of the restoration, Bastianino year will end with an International Conference. Ferrara. Voci di una città will devote a monographic issue, coordinated by Gianni Venturi, to Bastianino and to all the scientific activity surrounding the restoration of one of the last masterpieces of figurative art created in the Este period.