Sunday, 30 August 2009 12:39

Sant'Antonio in Polesine

Published in Luoghi
Sunday, 14 September 2008 20:20

Ferrara: the City of Simultaneous Ages

«Beneath her veil and beyond the stream, she seemed more to me to surpass her ancient self... than to surpass others when she was ancient self.»

Ferrara is not about effects - laborious effects hastily collected and negligently scattered by idle minds. In some instances, like the frescoes of June and July in the Palazzo Schifanoia, works have suffered more from solicitude than neglect. The Ferrarese, in my estimation, have never exhausted the beautiful looking for the novel.

Published in Num. 9
Sunday, 14 September 2008 21:14

A Convent is Restored to the City

The history of Sant'Antonio in Polesine revisited thanks to an archaelogical dig.
The convent of Sant'Antonio in Polesine is one of the oldest monastic complexes in Ferrara. In 1910, as the number of nuns had fallen below the minimum prescribed by law, the town council purchased a part of the complex but allowed the nuns to go on using it; the second cloister, farther from the convent, was converted into a barracks.

This second building was later put to other unsuitable uses (foundry, storehouse) until the early Nineties, when the Ravenna office of the Monuments and Fine Arts Commission began restoration work while the regional council's Archaeology Department undertook a series of investigations.

Published in Num. 8
Monday, 10 March 2008 09:51

The Face of the Court

Este culture in Bastianino's time, between classicism and new ferments.
The year 1573 was an annus mirabilis for the court of Ferrara. The gradual disappearance of the earth tremors that had been tormenting the city for two years, the fervid reconstruction of the buildings damaged by the earthquake, and the hope of a solution to the political problem through alliances with Spain and the Empire seemed to defer if not solve the problem of the feared devolution of the State to the Church.
Published in Num. 13
Monday, 01 December 2008 16:22

La Ferrariae Decus ha cento anni

Il cortile interno del Castello Estense di Ferrara: intervento di restauro promosso da Ferrariae Decus.Si festeggia un'associazione che ha preservato la bellezza della nostra città


"Il più importante motivo della nostra riunione è questo: non dico, celebrare - il vocabolo parrebbe troppo orgoglioso in confronto con l'opera modesta spiegata dalla Ferrariae Decus - bensì, ricordare che trascorsero ormai trenta anni da quando, sotto gli auspici della Deputazione Ferrarese di Storia patria, io fondai la Società. Rammento la numerosissima adunanza di costituzione, il 7 gennaio 1906; ricordo la cordialità del consenso unanime...". Queste la parole di Giuseppe Agnelli all'apertura dell'Assemblea della Ferrariae Decus del 22 marzo 1936.


Published in Num. 26