Written by Alfredo Santini
This magazine number, which seems to deal with various and diversified subjects and themes, proves to be monothematic as regards the title of the magazine, which is Ferrara. And Ferrara is here described on every page and from every point of view, together with its palaces, such as the one of Don Julius of the Este Family, a famous historical protagonist, where the prefecture is…
Written by Grazia Agostini
Four works of art have been recovered by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Ferrara. The works of art made for the town which have been lost, owing to the dispersion of Ferrarese artistic wealth, have been recovered by Cassa di Risparmio of Ferrara Foundation. With the intention of drawing up a list of missing works, a research was conducted in 1999, under the direction of…
Once Upon a Time there was a Car
Written by Gaetano Tumiati
The cars and the people who lived in Ferrara in the old times. From Milan, where I live, I go to Ferrara at least three or four times a year and I have seen that this town has radically changed. So, I get used to innovations. But there is something I cannot get used to. I am talking about the traffic, the long queues in…
Farinata's Glance
Written by Roberto Pazzi
Writing stories about Ferrara after Bassani's death. Some time ago, when I was walking along Corso Ercole d'Este, some girls came to me and asked: " Excuse me, was Giorgio Bassani's Finzi Contini's house around here?" I answered that Finzi Contini's house does not exist, even if it seems that the writer supposed it was there. The same question was made to other Ferrarese by…
Desiring Atlas
Written by Sergio Fortini
Half-serious map of joke in town. On Saturday, in spring, at 6 p.m., in the air, the smell of mowed grass, lime and pollen coming from outside the walls is strong and blends with the noise of the cars taking the ways leading to the hypermarkets. If you drive one of the circus beams on the mountain standing on the north-eastern corner of the enclosing…
... the Duke Sang and Played
Written by Alessandra Chiappini
The builder's yard opened in Piazza Municipale reveals the secrets of an ancient theatre. Under the members of the Este family, there was a theatre in the town square which now houses the builder's yard. It is exciting for the Ferrarese to stop at the builder's yard, which reveals the secrets which have been unknown to the town for many centuries.The so-called theatre "IN the…
History of a restored work. We had the chance to restore the ancient monastery of Jesuati, which belongs to Ferrara Seminary, according to the Plan of the interventions which were financed by the State for the Jubilee of the year 2000 and which were co-financed by the Seminary. It is a fifteenth century monastery which is erected on fourteenth century buildings. It is inserted in…
University and production systems for the diffusion of entrepreneurial culture. University has radically changed during these years and it is constantly changing. First of all, course structure has been updated, passing from traditional four year degrees to easier formulas, consisting in three year courses and different phases of specialisation. The series of activities which is called Spin Off is a phenomenon which is still unknown…
Intrigues at Court
Written by Luciano Chiappini
The sad story of don Julius, pleasure lover and conspirator. When we stop in front of don Julius of the Este Family's palace, while we are walking along corso Ercole I d'Este, our gaze automatically rests on the Castle where the descendant of Ferrara dynasty was segregated for fifty years. Julius' troubles increased with the passing of time culminating in tragedy, owing to his frivolous,…
Going Back to the Past
Written by Fede Berti
After having been shipwrecked, Valle Ponti's ship berths at Comacchio.Ferrarese territory has radically changed through the centuries and Po's waters have formed a wide delta system which is constantly developing. Natural or man-made waterways and lagoon basins which have now disappeared promoted contacts between the people, movements and trade. The discovery of ancient vessels proves that delta landscape had a different shape and that it…
A River of Dreams
Written by Paolo Micalizzi
Between real and fictitious stories, Po river is projected on the screen. Po river plays a leading role in films: it is present in eighty feature films and in an hundred documentary films, in TV reports, short and medium films and several reports for national and regional TV channels. The first film about Po river dates back to 1905: it's "Po river flood", a film…
Galasso Alghisi's plan for Alfonso II d'Este and other Ferrarese architectural works of the second half of the Sixteenth century. As critics were more and more interested in the works of John Baptist Aleotti, the Argenta architect who played a leading role during the years of the devolution of Ferrara Dukedom to the Holy See, in 1598, it was possible to study even the works…
The Memory of the Past
Written by Giuseppe Inzerillo
After a period of strict censorship, we can admire Mario Capuzzo's frescoes. It is always difficult for the descendants to fully comprehend a painting which expresses political and cultural concepts belonging to the past. The generation of the winners prefers to use the plaster to remove the traces of the defeated enemies, while the descendants, who are rationally detached, think it is necessary to provide…
The disappearance of the portraits of the members of the Este family from Ferrara's Castle. We know everything about Ferrara Castle: from the most secret details related to the modified building structure to the people who lived there through the centuries, from the famous guests who stayed there to the events which have taken place since 1385. During this year, Nicholas the Second of the…
Un Salone per il futuro
Written by Giuseppe Toscano
I beni culturali e il restauro come garanzia di ricchezza culturale, civile ed economica. Ancora una volta, Ferrara Fiere, nel riconfermare la città come punto annuale di incontro del Salone del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali, pensa a un progetto di carattere più generale, partendo da una riflessione e da una preoccupazione che si estende a tutto il patrimonio italiano ed…
Una stagione nuova per la Fondazione
Written by Sergio Lenzi
L'otto maggio il Ministero del Tesoro ha approvato il nuovo testo dello Statuto della Fondazione Cassa Risparmio di Ferrara. Il percorso di riforma delle Fondazioni bancarie parte da lontano: dal 23 dicembre 1998, data in cui fu approvata la legge di delega al governo, il quale ha poi provveduto alla emanazione dei provvedimenti attuativi di dettaglio. Ma cosa si intende esattamente per riforma delle Fondazioni?…
Le imprese e la Cassa di Risparmio
Written by Paolo Sani
Un nuovo progetto per essere più vicini al mondo dell'impresa, per lo sviluppo del territorio. Capita spesso, quando si fa visita a un cliente o si partecipa a una riunione di imprenditori, di sentirsi porre la fatidica domanda: ma la Cassa cosa fa per l'impresa? Con quali strumenti ci viene incontro? Capisce i nostri problemi?Le risposte sono molteplici, ma, come sempre, in banca sono i…
Un grande affresco
Written by Gennaro Murolo
Le linee generali del bilancio della Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara per l'anno 2000. Nel 2000 abbiamo solennemente celebrato il restauro del "Giudizio Universale" del Bastianino nella nostra Cattedrale. Ricordo ancora con emozione, la sera del 14 dicembre, il momento in cui si sono accesi i riflettori e l'affresco è apparso ai nostri occhi, quasi increduli, in tutta la sua maestosa grandezza. Era uno spettacolo…
La lettura
Written by Gianni Celati
Dopo grandi saluti con la padrona,prendiamo per l'argine del Po di Goro,con lunghe file di panni stesi. Nel canneto oltre l'argine,il canto d'un cuculoe gracidii di rane in amore.Sceso nell'erba tra le canne,l'acqua del canale era lentissimae ho visto un battello fantasmache passava nella nebbia del mattino.Verso la foce
Redazione e crediti fotografici
Written by Redazione
Ferrara. Voci di una cittàRivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualitàAnno 7, numero 14 - Giugno 2001Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994 con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572Spedizione in abbonamento postale c. 20/c, art. 2, l. 662/96Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di FerraraComitato EditorialeFrancesca Bargellesi, Luciano Chiappini, Vittorio Emiliani, Giorgio Franceschini, Roberto…