
Written by  Alfredo Santini e Sergio Lenzi
Readers of this edition of Ferrara. Voci di una città, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara and the stock exchange flotation of the Cassa, may suspect that we are here to celebrate the exploits of the Fondazione and the Cassa di Risparmio.

We cannot deny that the knowledge of all that has been achieved fills us with pride, but it must not be forgotten that behind the facts there lies a well thought-out, first-rate project which takes full account of the cultural, social and economic needs of Ferrara. We would like this edition to be not so much a summary of new endeavours, in step with the times and capable of rebuilding the historical fabric which is our greatest legacy in rich and important cultural heritage, as an encouragement to continue down a path which we think should not be abandoned but pursued with ever greater confidence.

This is the role and the destiny of the Foundations, as the results show. In ten years, not only has our local bank grown, but synergies with the Foundation have helped to heal the ravages of time and promote high-profile social, scientific, humanitarian and cultural activities which have attracted widespread support in the town and rewarded both the Fondazione and the Cassa with public confidence.