Our aim was to suggest to our readers that Ferrara experienced a second renaissance during the twentieth century, and the foundations were laid in the 1800s - a century which is not often regarded in this light. Thus we publish Francesco Erbani's important study of urban planning in nineteenth century Ferrara and its direct consequence in the 'addizione verde' - a study which should ideally be read in conjunction with Franco Cazzola's essay on the waterways and roads of the region.
And the recollections of Ferrara poised between nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the show staged by the mythical Buffalo Bill in the city, or the work of the equally legendary Ortolani, who stands among the founders of modern paediatrics.
A twentieth century which is linked to the twenty first in Micalizzi's article on actors from Ferrara, and in the literary criticism of works by contemporary writers associated with the city, which are accompanied by a nocturnal ride around the walls of Ferrara written by Roberto Pazzi.
Finally, the resolute support and investment of the Fondazione and the Cassa di Risparmio are demonstrated in Valentina Lapierre's article on the paintings lent by the Fondazione and the Cassa to the current exhibition in Modena, Angelo Andreotti on the role of the Fondazione in the restoration of the imposing Church of San Cristoforo alla Certosa, and Sergio Nepoti on the foundation's acquisition of an outstanding group of Ferrara ceramics.
And lastly the Fondazione's persistent efforts to strengthen independence and to create a sound and efficient Italian group of local banks.