This edition of Ferrara. Voci di una città presents a series of topics that provide a fairly complete idea of the aspects of culture we are reading about and discussing. There are articles on the Corot exhibition that has already attracted much praise (Vorrasi); a scholarly and amusing 'humanist' footnote (Cazzola); a gift of poetry from Roberto Pazzi. But as we know, the city does…
Corot's great work in the Palazzo dei Diamanti exhibition. Unlike many other great 19th century artists, Corot lived a quiet life, and one crowned with success. He was appreciated and esteemed by the cultural establishment as well as by artists who, towards the end of the 1800s, were experimenting with new methods of representing nature and reality. Corot was trained in the neoclassical tradition; under…
Ferrara today in my recent verses. "Higher Ferrara", from "Talismani", Marietti 2003. This is a poem which captures the metaphysical side of Ferrara, on the occasion of a snowfall which transforms the shapes of this historic city. The town is seen as a single, large house, made up of many rooms, our own homes. "Where history doesn't go", from Talismani, Marietti 2003. The subject of…
The Geologists' Association of the Province of Ferrara and the evolution of chartography. Mapping the land appears, today as in the past, to be something for which we feel a need in our day to day lives. It is difficult to establish the date of the first maps with any certainty, but we know that man has used them for centuries to find his way…
The Foundation created through the efforts of Giuseppe Pianori is a jewel in Ferrara' s crown. Giuseppe Pianori, a wealthy agriculturalist, rich but unostentatious, knows the end is drawing near, and on the 24th of March 1980 he goes to his lawyer and entrusts him with his secret will. On the 12th of May that year, he passes away, and three days later, on the…
An important project to make young people know Ariosto's poetry. A project, an event, and a publication are competing to relaunch the concept of a poet. The poet, who over the centuries has made Ferrara one of the great capitals of poetry of every time and place. Like Rome for Virgil, Florence for Dante, Ferrara has been transformed in the imagination, but also in reality,…
Ferrara and the metamorphosis of a line from Ovid. The article by Carlo Bassi devoted to Ferruccio De Lupis in the last number of this journal inspires me to take up a thread in our local history. The article described the illustration of a precious work designed, written and edited by the prolific Ferrara intellectual in 1921, with a frontispiece declaring "AB INSOMNI NON CUSTODITA…
The story of a scientific discovery. "In the early 1980s, I was starting my training as a surgeon when I found myself treating several patients with venous ulcers", explains professor Paolo Zamboni, director of the Centre for Vascular Diseases of Ferrara University. "I continued to study ulcers during my time in the US, then in Sassari, and then back in Ferrara. The first discovery was…
Advice from the Italian Cardiology Society on watching your cholesterol intake while staying cheerful. Recently, an unusual volume appeared, published by the Italian Cardiology Society and distributed by the Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara.Unusual firstly because of the authors: Roberto Ferrari, professor of cardiology at the University of Ferrara, and his wife Claudia Florio, cinema director and scriptwriter. The authors themselves tell us that the…
Frescoes from Giuseppe Facchinetti and Francesco Pellegrini in the Palazzo Riminaldi.In December 1708, the records tell us, Francesco Ferrari was struck down by a fever which killed him just while he and his nephew Giovanni Battista were supervising the decoration of a set of rooms in Count Oroboni's palazzo on via della Ghiara (now via XX Settembre). Two rooms on the main floor of the…
The history of Ferrara provides Florestano Mancini with the inspiration for his new film.Director Florestano Vancini has returned to the history of his home city with And Laughingly Killed Him (E ridendo l'uccise), a film based around events at the Este Court, which unrolls like a fresco of the Ferrarrese Renaissance. The film is partly based on the story which renowned author Riccardo Bacchelli tells…
Memories of Franco Cingano, a man of substance and culture. Fear is a common and unfortunately increasing frequent reaction to the impact of globalisation: migratory flows from Africa and eastern Europe, the arrival on domestic markets of increasingly high quality goods at knock-down prices, the shrinking of distance that has brought the wealth of the west and the poverty of most of the rest of…
La sintonia tra le scelte della Fondazione e gli stimoli offerti dal territorio.   Volontà di dialogare sempre più con istituzioni e soggetti del territorio, capacità di individuare le linee strategiche di intervento prioritario a favore del ferrarese, meccanismi innovativi per attuare la nostra politica di  sviluppo della società locale. Sono questi i tre elementi che mi sembrano riassumere al meglio i contenuti del Documento…
Da anni la Cassa raccoglie i frutti di una politica attenta ed efficace. Anche il 2004 è stato un anno di soddisfazioni.   "Un lungo viaggio di mille miglia si comincia col muovere un piede". Questa massima di Lao Tsu, celeberrimo filosofo cinese vissuto a cavallo fra il VI e il V secolo avanti Cristo, ben si addice alla Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara che,…
I ferraresi adoprano la salama per bonificare le cantine, poiché è provato che la salama tira l'umido assai più dell'idrovoro di Codigoro e quelli di Comacchio pescano le anguille per il solo gusto d'affogarle nell'Albana, nel Lambrusco o nel Sangiovese, che è il miglior sistema per marinarle. Si sa che le anguille sono come il riso che nasce nell'acqua e muore nel vino. Il moro…
FERRARA. VOCI DI UNA CITTÀRivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualitàAnno 12, numero 23 - Dicembre 2005Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572Spedizione in abbonamento postale c. 1, art. 1, l. 46/2004Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici dellaFondazione Cassa di Risparmio di FerraraCOMITATO EDITORIALEFrancesca Bargellesi, Vittorio Emiliani, Giorgio Franceschini,Roberto Pazzi, Paolo Ravenna, Leopoldo Santini,…