Written by Alfredo SantiniThe attention which we pay to the great Este history and tradition sometimes risks overshadowing other aspects of a rich and complex history. So this edition of Ferrara – Voci di una città gives space to different issues and, for once, attention to the most dramatic moments in our Renaissance and Este history gives way to other episodes, less intense but equally important.
See, for example, Francesca Cappelletti’s expert contribution on the seventeenth century cardinals-legate and their collections. Cappelletti has been appointed coordinator of the Italian branch of the ‘Ermitage Italia’ project as it reaches completion. Equally important is Andrea Emiliani’s study of Cicognara and Giordani, which heralds the celebrations of the 250th anniversary of Canova, the sculptor who owed his critical reputation to Cicognara. Our culture section continues with Ravalli Modoni’s exploration of the Este collections in the Marciana Library in Venice, with which the memory of Niccolini’s centenary, namated by Luisa Carrà, is associated. We also celebrate the centenary of the Ferrariae Decus in a contribution from Carla di Francesco, and publish a moving tribute to Don Franco Patruno, who for many years played a crucial role in stimulating cultural life in Ferrara. Contributions of great contemporary relevance include Angelo Giubelli’s article on ADO, the fine description of Bosco della Panfilia from Vito De Santis, and Luciano Luciani’s account of the discovery of propylene and the birth of the Montecatini di Ferrara Research Centre. To complete this panorama, two important articles, with which we open this edition: renowned medievalist Franco Cardini’s recollections of the city, and Roberto Pazzi’s dream-like vision of a future Ferrara inspired by the changing climate.