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Chardin. The painter of silence After the Palazzo dei Diamanti, the exhibition will be shown at the Prado Museum in Madrid The Chardin. The painter of silence exhibition confirms the up-todateness of the project that Ferrara Arte have been promoting over the last eighteen years, with remarkable results.  The  exhibition pays tribute to a central character in one of the most fascinating periods of art history:
Taking on the Undertaking Giorgio Bassani's remarkable bibliography is published ten years after his death On the tenth anniversary of the death of one of the most important voices in twentieth-century literature it seems fitting and due to remember Giorgio Bassani with a portrayal and a recollection born out of the reading of the formidable volumes of the Bassani bibliography edited by Portia Prebys that saw light precisely on the occasion of the celebration.
Gerolamo Melchiorri The streets of Ferrara, almost a century later For almost one hundred years the attention shown by the public in the work of Gerolamo Melchiorri, describing the history of the streets in the centre of Ferrara, has provided a clear sign of an enormous interest in the culture of the city. The work, patiently drawn up over an extended period of time, marks one of the stages that the urban history of the city has lived through, starting from Rossetti's remarkable 'Addizione Erculea'.
Sant’Anna The history of the hospital and the financial support of the Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara The magazine "Vere Novo..." published in Ferrara in May-June 1910 on the occasion of the visit by King Vittorio Emanuele III, mentions three events: the inauguration of the water-scooping plant in Codigoro, the new Palazzo della Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara and the laying of the foundation stone of the new hospital.
On the tables of the world The Estense Castle as shown in Wedgwood ceramics The use of ceramics dates back to the Neolithic age, the period that produced the first Kyushu (Japan) artefacts in the XI millennium B.C. The subsequent introduction of the potter's wheel enabled perfectly symmetrical work to be created. Glazing was first used during the II millennium A.C. in Mesopotamia, notably improving wear resistance and the appearance of the products. The manufacturing of porcelain began in the VIII century B.C. in China.
La rivista è nata nel lontano 1994, seguendo una mia vecchia passione condivisa dal grande amico Silvio Carletti, allora presidente della Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara e della Fondazione. Era un periodo importante per la vita della Cassa di Risparmio con diversificazione operativa fra Istituto di credito ed ente di promozione sociale culturale. Diceva Carletti nell'editoriale: "Gli argomenti trattati sono legati a interventi della Cassa…
After the Palazzo dei Diamanti, the exhibition will be shown at the Prado Museum in Madrid The Chardin. The painter of silence exhibition confirms the up-todateness of the project that Ferrara Arte have been promoting over the last eighteen years, with remarkable results.  The  exhibition pays tribute to a central character in one of the most fascinating periods of art history:
Giorgio Bassani's remarkable bibliography is published ten years after his death On the tenth anniversary of the death of one of the most important voices in twentieth-century literature it seems fitting and due to remember Giorgio Bassani with a portrayal and a recollection born out of the reading of the formidable volumes of the Bassani bibliography edited by Portia Prebys that saw light precisely on…
The streets of Ferrara, almost a century later For almost one hundred years the attention shown by the public in the work of Gerolamo Melchiorri, describing the history of the streets in the centre of Ferrara, has provided a clear sign of an enormous interest in the culture of the city. The work, patiently drawn up over an extended period of time, marks one of…
The history of the hospital and the financial support of the Foundation and Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara The magazine "Vere Novo..." published in Ferrara in May-June 1910 on the occasion of the visit by King Vittorio Emanuele III, mentions three events: the inauguration of the water-scooping plant in Codigoro, the new Palazzo della Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara and the laying of the foundation…
The Estense Castle as shown in Wedgwood ceramics The use of ceramics dates back to the Neolithic age, the period that produced the first Kyushu (Japan) artefacts in the XI millennium B.C. The subsequent introduction of the potter's wheel enabled perfectly symmetrical work to be created. Glazing was first used during the II millennium A.C. in Mesopotamia, notably improving wear resistance and the appearance of…
Rice production in the Po Delta, from sowing with missiles onwards Giancarlo Cavazzini is the reputed father of modern rice production in our territory and has held many important positions in the Province and elsewhere, including President of the National Rice Board in the second half of the 1970's. Giancarlo Eros, with his 10.000 hectares of paddy fields on his own land and Cavalier Ladini,…
An important figure for the independence of Italy Carlo Mayr was born in Ferrara on October 5th 1810. He came from an old Bavarian family who had taken part in the French Revolution; a branch of the family moved to Ferrara because of business interests in the second half of the1700's. Carlo Mayr was involved in the uprisings of 1831. He graduated in Law and…
The historical memory of work and agricultural enterprise in the Ferrara area Guido Scaramagli, renowned local farmer and founder of the Centro di Documentazione del Mondo Agricolo Ferrarese (Ferrara and Province Agricultural History Documentation Centre) in San Bartolomeo in Bosco, died on July 23rd, 2010. He was born on September 24th, 1921 into a farming family and was to become a pioneer and leader of…
From office boy to United Nations member Documentary, photographic and reprinted material, in facsimile copy, of the book Soldati senz'armi published in Rome, 1944. For the vast majority of people from Ferrara Leonida Felletti was, and perhaps still is, one of the "famous unknown". Yet from Longastrino he went on to occupy an important position at the United Nations in New York, in 1953. Leonida…
One thousand un published photographs taken by the "Really beautiful. Some of them could be shown in a photography competition. We could organize a show at San Fedele". This note was left by Giorgio Boschetti (the maestro of the darkroom) in a box of photos by Maria Cristina Massari-Zavaglia, the last descendant of the family of the Dukes of Fabriago, and sounded like an official…
The sismic sequence of 1570-1574: a significant event for the city's history When we forget about destructive events of the past, such as earthquakes, we also lose the perception of the hazards to which we are exposed. Recent events in L'Aquila have provided a harsh reminder: the majority of the population were not aware that they lived in one of the areas of country with…
Le linee guida per il prossimo esercizio Come ogni anno la Fondazione Carife ha provveduto a far confluire nel Documento Programmatico Previsionale le sue prospettive economico-finanziarie e i suoi programmi operativi futuri, in questo caso afferenti al 2011. Questi si inseriscono in un'ottica temporale di più ampio respiro che è costituita in primo luogo dalla scelta dei settori rilevanti per il triennio 2011/2013. Risulta evidente…
Il nuovo programma di attivitá di Daniele Forin "Ripartire, ridare slancio, promuovere con nuovo vigore il nostro modo di fare Banca e di vivere il Gruppo, ma anche riaprire e rafforzare il dialogo con i clienti: tutto questo, INSIEME". Così si è presentato ed ha salutato il personale della Banca, il nuovo direttore generale Daniele Forin, alla guida di Carife dal primo ottobre, il quale,…
Un concreto ventaglio di opportunità, servizi e prodotti dedicati in esclusiva al Socio Carife I Soci da sempre sono nel cuore della Banca ferrarese, ed è per questo che Carife ha riservato loro un programma personalizzato che prevede un ricco ventaglio di proposte, agevolazioni, servizi e prodotti dedicati in esclusiva. Il programma prevede soluzioni e vantaggi via via crescenti anche in base al numero di…
FERRARA VOCI DI UNA CITTÀ Rivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualità Anno 17, numero 33 - Dicembre 2010 Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994 con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572 Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara   COMITATO EDITORIALE  Giorgio Franceschini, Roberto Pazzi, Paolo Ravenna, Leopoldo Santini, Gaetano Tumiati, Gianni…