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The Palace of the crossed destinies and a club neither young nor old Magagnini-Roverella Palace and Merchants Club: a piece of the history of Ferrara A few days before the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy the 'Casino dei Negozianti' (Merchants Club) was founded in Ferrara: it was February 26th, 1861.  With the return to freedom following the plebiscite of 1860, Ferrara had expressed its adherence to the constitutional monarchy and began to seriously reflect on
Serafino Monini Ferrara and a leading engineer during extraordinary years The city of Ferrara made a qualitative leap forward in the early seventies and has since become known throughout the world. Certain moments of this process are extremely important: the imposition of limited and rigorous planning permission within the city centre since 1978;
“L’Isola del Tesoro” and “Estatebambini” Family Centres: avant-garde experiences in Ferrara In the summer of 1997, after several years devoted to the restoration of the city's nineteen- thirties monumental aqueduct, the Piazza xxiv Maggio centre opened as the new headquarters of two municipal services: the Family Centre and the Parent and Children Centre "L'Isola del Tesoro", an avant-garde experience which the city of Ferrara can certainly be proud of.
Culture and Business Towards a new model of "Ferrara city of art" Since the late eighties, Ferrara has been launched both nationally and internationally as a "city of art". This was an intelligent and forward-looking strategy in what has proved to be a period of particular economic difficulty for our area.
The Jewish cemetery in the Sesto di San Romano A new piece in the mosaic of the history of Ferrara and its Jewish Community I had just published an essay in which I lamented the lack of an updated and scientific study on Jewish cemeteries in Ferrara, when I was shown a deed from the State Archives of Modena inherent to the burial place used by the Jews in 1335.

Redazione e crediti

Written by  Redazione

Rivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualità Anno 18, numero 35 - Dicembre 2011 Registrata presso il Tribunale di Ferrara il 9 novembre 1994 con il numero 13/94. ISSN 1128-3572
Edizione fuori commercio, riservata ai soci e agli amici della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara

Comitato editoriale

Roberto Pazzi, Paolo Ravenna, Leopoldo Santini, Gaetano Tumiati, Gianni Venturi, Francesca Zanardi Bargellesi

Direttore responsabile
Alfredo Santini

Coordinamento e cura editoriale
Monica Bracardi

Impaginazione e realizzazione
le Immagini - Ferrara

Derek Bacchus

Segreteria di redazione
Valentina Lapierre

Revisione bozze
Angela Ghinato

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara
Sede legale, amministrativa e redazionale
Palazzo Muzzarelli Crema Via Cairoli, 13 - 44121 Ferrara tel. 0532/205091 - fax 0532/210362

SATE - via Goretti, 88 - Ferrara

Tiziano Vecellio, Ritratto di Gabriele Tadino (Collezioni d'arte Carife)

Crediti Fotografici

Foto "le Immagini", Ferrara: pp. 8, 10-12, 14, 19, 20, 22-23, 25, 26, 29, 32, 34, 52

Archivio Giuseppe Inzerillo: p. 13

Archivio Carlo Bassi: pp. 16-17

Archivio di Stato di Modena: p. 30

Archivio Ferrara Fiere: pp. 36, 38-39

Su concessione del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali: pp. 40, 43, 45, 46-48

Archivio Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara: pp. 49, 55, 57-58

Foto Marco Baldassarri, Bologna: pp. 50, 53

Archivio Fondazione Carife: pp. 52, 54

Foto Massimo Baraldi, Ferrara: pp. 56, 60-62

Archivio Comitato Provinciale coni Ferrara: p. 57

Archivio Famiglia Franceschini: pp. 63-65