Written by Alfredo SantiniThis issue mainly focuses on a number of events and reflections on the increasingly widespread cultural aspects of our city, and includes pieces on art, literature, cinema, and history. There are reports on two exhibitions that were held in Ferrara, one by Chiara Vorrasi on the wonderful Mirò exhibition which has just finished up at the Palazzo dei Diamanti, and another by Lola Bonora who presents the work of Mona Hatoum as part of the Biennale Donna project. There is still great interest in the renaissance art of Ferrara as can be noted in the piece on Cosmè Tura's Roverella polyptych, the article by Giovanni Lamborghini on the location and history of a fragment of fresco from an important Crucifixion, and Enrica Domenicali's article on the great Ferrara humanist, Alberto Lollio. We should also note Manuela Ricci's contribution shedding new light on the period De Pisis spent in Moretti's house. There are two cinematic articles, one by Gianni Venturi on the relationship between the film Le amiche by Antonioni and the story Tra donne sole by Cesare Pavese, and the other by Vittorio Emiliani on the writer-director Mario Soldati. This issue does not limit itself to the humanities which now play an important role in the cultural life of the city, but also extends to local history, with news on an important document regarding the Poggio Renatico estate, and pieces on fascinating local traditions such as bell-ringing, buffaloes in the Ferrara area, and the casoni of the Po delta. In the Bank and Foundation section, the Chairman, Sergio Lenzi, highlights the importance of social innovation when illustrating Foundation activities in 2007. Alfredo Santini notes the importance of the 170th anniversary, an important date marking a defining moment in the growth of Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara. Basically, an issue packed with news, contributions, and studies, once again going to demonstrate the inexhaustible vitality of history and culture in our city.